Here’s the buzz on Coffee Buddies:

Colleagues getting acquainted.

“Coffee Buddies helps me create and maintain relationships with coworkers, which is critical to working as a team. I’ve gotten to know different parts of the organization, increasing my efficiency in coordinating projects. It’s also a fun break and built in reminder that our coworkers have exciting and fulfilling lives outside of the office!”

— R.P., Supervisor and Project Manager

Connecting coworkers strengthens company culture

“Coffee Buddies has been an unexpected godsend, especially as a new employee in a large organization, starting at the end of the pandemic. With the hybrid work environment it's the perfect tool to connect with those I may otherwise only see on screen. I truly look forward to my pairing each month and it brings incredible professional and personal dividends. Highly recommended!”

— G.J., Team Manager

Building employee connections strengthens the bottom line.

“I’ve gotten a lot out of Coffee Buddies over the years. The random pairings make it fun! We’re a big, diverse organization, and Coffee Buddies makes it feel a bit smaller. Regardless of whether you get paired up with someone you’ve worked with closely, or someone new, it’s a cool way to engage and talk about work, life and whatever else happens to come up.”

J.M., Environmental Management

Professional colleagues getting acquainted.

Coffee Buddies is going strong - and thriving!... People really appreciate the chance to meet or catch up with a co-worker, even if it’s just for a few minutes each month.

— C.M., Engineering Manager