Use Coffee Buddies for your organization!
How does it work?
The Coffee Buddies program randomly pairs participating employees within an organization once a month or every other month and invites them to meet for coffee (or lunch, or ice cream, or … ). Each pair receives an email and the two decide on a time and place to meet. This is the basic set up, but Coffee Buddies is flexible! Coffee Buddies can be set up for separate groups of people within an organization, for groups across two or more organizations who may be collaborating on a project, or for networking at conferences. Coffee Buddies can also accommodate meetings with more than two people or meeting frequencies other than monthly or bi-monthly. How would Coffee Buddies work best for you?
How does our organization benefit?
Busy professionals don’t always make time for networking, especially with those not familiar to them, and especially with the social constraints and isolation of remote and hybrid work. Coffee Buddies makes this simple by proactively connecting co-workers and handing them the opportunity to meet.
By participating in Coffee Buddies, your people become more connected, engaged, and trusting because they know each other better and know more about each other’s roles.
Productive workplace relationships build social capital across the organization and more social capital advances the organization’s mission.
Coffee Buddies:
Breaks down barriers between company silos.
Builds trust by enriching interpersonal connections.
Offers mentorship to junior employees from those more experienced.
Broadens insight on how individual roles connect to the organizational mission.
Onboards and socializes new employees.
Integrates co-workers affected by a re-organization or merger.
Elevates conversation and connection away from the normal workplace.
Creates connectivity that can be missing in a hybrid or fully remote workplace.
Affords an opportunity for lower-level staff to interact with senior leadership.
How much does it cost?
Coffee Buddies is very affordable and the fee depends on the number of participants.
How do I get started?
First things first…Click the “Get Started” button below and let us know you’re interested and we’ll be in touch. Rolling it out to your organization is simple. An organizational representative sends an introductory email (We can help with that!) to announce the program. The email contains a link to the participant registration page. Additionally, your organization can post program information and the registration link to its internal communication hub. That’s it! No special software or platform integration is needed.